Walking with Nature: Evolving Extraordinary Experiences with Trees and Forests


When connecting with nature, there’s something magical about walking in//with the forest.

Moving In:

It’s a physical journey; as it is an immersive experience that engages your senses and invites you to weave a sense of belonging-being with nature.

As you walk into the forest, allow yourself to connect with nature, with trees…

While walking — wondering — wandering, consider one or more of these seven activities…
Reminder: Will you bring a journal — notepad and pencils — a pad to sit on — some water and snacks?

1: Connect with the Forest: A Dance of Presence

_Wear clothes that invite your involvement, knowing you might get a little dirty along the way.
_Embrace the tactile experience of leaves beneath your fingers, the touch of bark against your palms, and the earthy scent that envelops you.
_Engage in a dance of presence (yes, dance — move and groove), forging a connection beyond the visual.

2: Appreciate the Forest as a Whole: Embracing the Grandeur

_Shift your gaze from individual trees to the forest–as a whole.
_Witness the grandeur of the collective, where each tree contributes to the ecosystem.
_Appreciate the play of light and shadow, the textures of diverse foliage, and the mosaic of colors that paint the forest canvas.
_Unveil the interconnected beauty that thrives together and beyond.

3: See Between the Trees: Uncovering Hidden Stories

_Peer through the spaces among the trees.
_Discover the wild kin — creatures traversing the understory.
_Notice the elusive horizon line beyond — how far, what does this liminal space look like?

4: Attend to the Wind Whispering in the Crown: Nature’s Melodies

_Listen to the subtle whispers of the wind as it rustles through the canopy.
_Connect the sounds with the tales of the season.
_Consider the timeless rhythm of the trees, the forest, nature while walking.
_Close your eyes, attune your ears, and let the sounds serenade you into a deeper connection with the living landscape.

5: Venture into The Forest at Night: A Mysterious Canvas

_Walk, illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight.
_Wander/wonder into the woods with a flashlight — what do you see in the main beam of light, in the secondary beam?
_Ensure safety, respect the nocturnal life that calls the forest home.
_Explore the shadows, listen to the night sounds (close and far).
_Witness the gray palette beauty that unfolds under the night sky, the landscape.

6: Visit, Partake–Do Not Disturb: An Ethical Stewardship

_Adhere to the principle of “see, do not disturb.”
_Respect the dynamic balance of the forest ecosystem.
_Observe without intruding, allowing flora and fauna to thrive undisturbed.
_Recognize the vibrant patterns of life that unfold.
_Recognize your role as a temporary guest in their world.

7: Recognizing Patterns, Assigning Meaning: A Mental/Emotional Exploration

_Note the patterns that emerge during your nature walk.
_Discern the recurring shapes, colors, or arrangements that catch your eye.
_Engage in a thought/felt exploration, assign personal meanings to these patterns.
_Document the messages woven into your visit — while entering, moving about, returning home.

Moving Forward:

As you embark on your journey of walking with the forest, remember it’s an invitation to converse with nature, to conserve with nature, to witness the magic of the forest and trees, all while evolving extraordinary experiences as you sense and connect with the forest’s essence.

Meet Stephen Hobbs

Your Guide on the Ride!

I’m an ager — in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024).
I walk as a “Solo-Ager”.

As to Older to Elder, I’m exploring what it means for me.

I work with wholistic, reciprocal education approaches — especially mentoring.

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. I wanted to harness my “wellth of experiences” and transform them into powerful tools and techniques as I mentor personal growth adventures and the organization of work.

During the development and delivery of the different activities, I’ve seen the “applicability required” for evolving “living legacy life” projects and programs of different sizes. Learning to navigate the shifting landscapes of others’ (and my) projects is a way I remain relevant & current in moving the experiences of older to elder for all!

Working through https://WELLthMovement.com

FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

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WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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