Two Questions to Set-Up Your Extraordinary Legacy Project; Grandparent Perspective


This #6 in the 7-segment series on Co-Creating the Well-Living Community for Grandparents and their Grandchildren.

Using the Who and What questions, you can set up the framing of your Legacy Project (Legacy Story) — as a grandparent with your grandkids

Legacy is about the useful whats you gift others so they can learn something from your lived experience. The “whats” are your time, effort, and money. Gift (from the heart) rather than give (from the head)!

Most persons — grandparents — take this definition to head and heart, then hands later in life. Interestingly, there are younger souls who are sharing their legacy projects in their teens (possibly younger).

My point? Your Legacy Project is a “now element” of recreating your extraordinary life.

Below, I offer five sections to guide you along the beginning pathway to create, deliver, and determine your legacy projects’ worth, truth, and utility for the world — for the planet!

The world as ((build with Humans));
The planet as ((grow with Gaia)).
The (( )) reference highlights
(a) the world conversation of conservation and
(b) the planet conservation of conversation.

The Who of Legacy Project

A basic human need is a search for meaning at some level. From survival through leaving something upon transitioning.

The Who here is You!
Who are you to create, deliver, and determine your project contribution?

In knowing yourself, you can know others. And in learning this storyline, another Who arrives. That is, the Who Out identifies your family & friends, your community, and outward to include the whole of Gaia (even your wild kin!).

As a grandparent, the Who Out is your grandchildren and/or children who benefit from your legacy project. Their experience of your legacy project is an example of the demonstration of keeping commitments and supporting the expression of courage. Your project is like a Beacon Lantern in the Storm Noise.

The What of Your Legacy Project

The What question refers to your resource allocation. The resources are time, effort, and money.

Therefore, you manage your resource allocation through the systems you use. And it’s these systems that bound your legacy project.

What resources are necessary for the delivery of your legacy project?


The time you assign aligns with
the delivery schedule
based on the systems you operationalize
as set by the intention & action outcomes you identified

Time to share stories — to write stories — to produce stories with the grandchildren

Time to attend a fundraiser for children and trees program
Time to connect your grandkids with grandparents and grandkids around the world


The effort you assign aligns with
the actions to make it happen
by the competence you have
to complete the tasks

While you might be knowledgeable and skilled to complete the task solo, give consideration to the support of others.

In navigating the involvement of others, double the time you think you need to herd the cats.


The money you assign aligns with
the type of involvement you selected with your grandkids (or not)
_ fund as a donation
_ volunteer in kind
_ support a local chapter of an organization
_ create a movement in light of fund, volunteer, and/or support
_ something else — do share!

The Meeting of Who and What

As much as you ask for rainbows and jelly beans to summarize your experience of the Who meeting What, it’s more about

  • Unresolved feelings
  • Painful subjects
  • Control issues
  • Non-acceptance of support
  • Broken family relationships
  • And more…

Sometimes “…helping someone build their legacy project may be heartbreaking and difficult at times, and you’re sure to hear things you don’t want to hear.” David Solie

Possible Guidance

  1. Heed the use of patience, flexibility, and discretion (every day)
  2. Ask — Share — Ask
  3. Use Facilitative Mentoring… through facilitating draw out the ideas and through mentoring answer the questions posed from your lived experience
  4. Recognize when it’s time to disconnect from your legacy project… because of the Who and What factors mentioned above
  5. CoCreate projects others can manage forward and/or close upon your transitioning

In Closing

  • Celebrate achievement with self
  • Celebrate accomplishments with others
  • Share thank you — often
  • Document your learning and development
  • Edit insights for your legacy portfolio — the mix of your legacy projects

** ** **

With these articles, I outline — discuss — share concepts and practices I am following to MAKE IT SO!

WELLth Movement’s intention is to work with Grandparents — Grandchildren — and Nature (Trees).

Therefore, these pages are editable! Because it’s easier for most to edit than to write!

So What? What Else? Now What? Can you offer something for this article?

In the weeks and months to follow, I/you/we can help grandparents who step forward to improve, focus, and strengthen the co-creation of the Well-Living Community — a community platform of programs and projects, and processes and products grandparents (and grandchildren) can access to support grandparenting with involvement in/with the natural world.

If you can’t wait, then use our Website Contact Form to ask questions — share comments — sign up for updates about the WELL-Living Community for Grandparents.

YouTube: WellthLearningTV



WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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