See Yourself Confidently: Navigating Mentoring as Legacy Journey with the Current Reality Window


Embarking on the journey of mentoring as legacy requires more than just a wellth of experience and a willingness to share — it demands a clear vision of where we are, where we want to go, and the paths we decide to take.

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This vision, its pathway includes the concept of the Current Reality Window, a tool that enables mentors (and mentees) to see themselves and their surroundings with clarity and confidence. It’s about understanding the present position in the landscape of life and recognizing the potential for growth, learning, and impact.

Moving In

The Current Reality Window is about understanding and valuing our decisions and actions to shape and share the legacy we aspire to live to leave.

At the heart of this tool (technique) lies the importance of seeing oneself clearly and confidently.

In the realm of mentoring, this clarity, this confidence, is not just beneficial — it’s essential. It allows mentors to assess accurately their strengths, acknowledge their limitations, and identify the unique contributions they can make to their mentees’ lives.

Similarly, mentees gain a deeper understanding of their current capabilities, aspirations, and the steps they need to take to achieve their goals//outcomes.

The Current Reality Window becomes a guiding tool/technique (model/diagram) on the mentoring journey, assisting both mentors and mentees in navigating their involvement with shared personal and professional development.

Introduction to the Current Reality Window

Imagine your mind as a house with a big, beautiful window.

This window is your “Current Reality Window,” through which you see and value being FOR the world (and WITH the planet).

How you look through this window depends on two main stances:
a) what you sense from the outside coming in (without to within)
b) what you think/feel from the inside going out (within to without)

From the Outside, Coming In:

Think of opinions and perceptions like raindrops and sunshine that touch the window glass from the outside. Your opinions are what you believe about what you see outside, like deciding if it’s a good day to play based on the weather. Perceptions are how you see and hear the world, like noticing the color of the sky or the sound of birds.

In the diagram, they are the left-side and top frame sections!

From the Inside, Going Out:

Now, from inside the house, your assumptions and perspectives color the glass you’re looking through. Assumptions are guesses you make about the world, like thinking it’s going to rain just because the sky is gray. Perspectives are the unique way you look at things based on your experiences, like how a day might seem more beautiful if you love the rain.

In the diagram, they are the right-side and bottom frame sections!

How These Stances Work Together:

This window framing holds the glass. The glass highlights your beliefs!

There are two types of beliefs:
a) ones that hold you back (lessening or limiting beliefs)
b) ones that help you grow (gaining or affirming beliefs)

Your beliefs are important because they guide how you decide and what you value most. They’re like your personal decision-making tools. And how you act based on these beliefs leads to original experiences and outcomes in your life.

In the diagram, the beliefs is the glass in the window frame!

Expressing Your Beliefs:

The way you talk about and show what you believe is your point of view. It’s how you share your unique look at the world with others. Your point of view lets your voice, authority, mastery, position, and expertise shine through, showing everyone where you stand. The response determines movement forward and/or reflection with adjustments.

In the diagram, your POV extends outward from the window!

Maintaining Your Window:

To make sure your “Current Reality Window” gives you the best view, you need to reflect both on what comes from outside (reflection on beliefs linked with perceptions and opinions) and what’s going on inside (reflection in beliefs linked with assumptions and perspectives).

This reflection in//on is like keeping the glass clean and the frame strong, so your window can always show you the true beauty of the world.

The more you understand and care for every part of your window, the better you can see far and wide, helping you make the best decisions and live a life full of learning and sharing.

So, keep maintaining your window. The clearer, the stronger it is, the more beautiful and meaningful your view of the world will be.

AND remember, everyone’s window looks different, and that’s what makes each of our views so special.

Connecting with Mentoring as Legacy Approach

Consider these questions to anchor the basic explanation of the Current Reality Window to “Mentoring as Legacy” clearly and confidently:

What are your perceptions and opinions about “Mentoring as Legacy”?
What are your perspectives and assumptions about “Mentoring as Legacy”?
What are your beliefs about “Mentoring as Legacy?”
What is your Point of View about “Mentoring as Legacy?”
What values do you link with “Mentoring as Legacy”?
Metaphorically, what does your “Mentoring as Legacy” window like?

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Join us for a “Mentoring Essentials” workshop on the weekend — Learn More!

In just 3 hours, we’ll help you polish your “Current Reality Window,” and strengthen your Window Frame. Doing so, you’ll explore your beliefs and values and thereafter express your unique point of view about Mentoring as Legacy with clarity and confidence.

Sign up now and let’s make your window the clearest and brightest it can be!

Meet Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Your Guide on the Ride!
Your Navigator through the Gates!

I’m an ager — in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024).
I walk as a “Solo-Ager”.

As to Older to Elder, I’m exploring what it means for me.

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. Now, I want to use my “wellth of experiences” and transform them into tools and techniques to encourage youngers-olders-elders in living legacy with mentoring projects, stories, and contributions with clarity, confidence, and commitment without wasting time, effort, and money.

Working through
FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

Editing AI assisted with considerable copy editing while adding images



WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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