Legacy: Sharing FOR the Wellth of IT



My legacy word FOR the World (Humanity) is wellth. It appeared vaguely during my year-long South Sudan-Kenya work experience in 1989. When I was not working, I was reading and writing, writing and reading, and walking in between.

Upon my return to Canada in 1990, I was looking for a word that captured my understanding of the interconnections and expressions among being, having, and doing for self and with others.

The word wealth was at the forefront of my thinking. I was earnestly in pursuit of wealth creation. I was an entrepreneur after all.

Then, I saw the spelling of wellth unfold as I considered well-being (for self) and well-living (with others) as program words to explain and describe wellth creation to the nth degree. And as they say, the rest is a mystery!

Legacy and Wellth Creation

Legacy is about the useful whats (time, effort, and money) you gift others so they can learn something from your lived experience.

It’s my lived experience of well-being and well-living (now wellth) that frame the concepts and practices I share in my programs and projects for my wealth creation.

The more wellth met wealth, and wealth met wellth, the more I saw them entwined like braiding two strings to become one cord. While the braided cord has more strength than the individual strings, it was weaving the third concept and practice string called legacy that strengthened the cord to pull weighted issues in all aspects of my life.

Also, wellth and wealth have the same root word origin. They are about living hale and hearty.

However, I saw wellth as the precursor for wealth. I appreciate others may flip them. I mention this point because I use wellth to embrace both wellth and wealth.

If the lettering of “e over a” was available on my keyboard, I would be a happy camper. Also, “weallth” gets automatically edited. I often miss this correction and create confusion.

This camper point is made in light of the next section!

The Meaning of IT

When you bring something out of the formless you assign the something “thingness”. That is, you give it form. You give it truth, worth, and utility. You value it!

When I backtracked my thingness of wellth with wealth and legacy I realized the cord I created was called “wellth of it’ — note my point above about wellth covers wealth and wellth.

While this naming was valuable, I actually unfolded an acronym for the word “it”. The word became IT. It stands for I Transition.

Transition is about your response to change. Because

Around every challenge there is change.
Dr. Hicks

With the change, with the challenge, there is a response. The response is called transition. Of which there are three types of transition. They are transaction, transformation, and transcendence.

Then, as these transitions unfold, they express the stories and contributions of IT.

These stories and contributions frame your lived experience, your legacy of IT.

And your legacy is the intersection of your wellth creation and wealth creation.

Therefore, as you live your extraordinary life, you live from the legacy you intend to share and leave.

FOR the Wellth of IT

The capitalized FOR differentiates among your legacy word
__ FOR the World,
__ WITH the Planet, and
__ FROM the Whole.

The legacy word and/or words explain and describe your legacy values — challenges — project — stories — contributions. The for-with-from suggests outcome levels of your IT depending on your time and space foci of world-planet-whole.

Hereto, the outcome-focus of this article is the transition of IT FOR the World. It’s from your humanistic point of view. It allows you to tap into, to draw from the collaborative aspects of wellth you need, want, and desire to value in the forms they are useful, helpful, and eventful.

Legacy: Sharing FOR the Wellth of IT

Living your extraordinary — wellthy-wealthy — life via the legacy you intend to share and leave is premised on

When You Listen You Learn
Where You Share You Educate

As your share your legacy you serve as an educator so others can learn from your lived experience, your legacy.

Legacy is in you to gift!

Therefore, sharing your lived experience, your legacy for the wellth of IT affords you the opportunities and possibilities, and strengths and potentials to Evolve Your Legacy FOR The World whereby your

Legacy has you become what you be-have-do each day as ways to acknowledge, advance, and amplify sharing FOR the Wellth of IT!

Call to Action

To explore and discover your Legacy Intention Words FOR the World, WITH the Planet, and FROM the Whole, go to https://wellthmovement.com/legacy-intention-course — an online course that is free till December 15th, 2021.

If you know your “legacy approach” and require a Guide on the Ride — a facilitative-mentor to accelerate your legacy project-stories-contributions, then use the Schedule Form to request a 29-minute Legacy Chat.

Visit our website to learn about “all things legacy” and the products, services, and experiences available NOW!



WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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