EXperiencing Your Future: How Nature Seeds Mentoring as Legacy


Mentoring as Legacy: A Lifestyle of Awareness and Growth

The journey from being a midlife older to becoming a next fifty elder is not just about aging; it’s a transition filled with hope, grace, and a deepened awareness.

It’s a period where life’s experiences are seasoned with intention and attention, shaping how we interact with the planet and ultimately, how we leave our mark in being for the world.

One profound way to navigate this aging (soloaging) transition is through mentoring as a legacy — a lifestyle decision that enriches both the mentor and the mentee, and the communities in which they live, especially with nature that benefits all.

Understanding Mentoring as Legacy

Mentoring as Legacy is a program as it is a practice; it’s a lifestyle decision that involves a commitment to share knowledge and skills, wisdom and interpretations, and the lessons learned from a life well-lived.

This approach helps persons moving into their Next Fifty to remain active, engaged, and impactful.

Deciding to mentor, olders to elders contribute their personal and professional growth. Also, nurture their own legacies, ensuring their experiences continue to influence others long after they’re gone.

The Role of Awareness in Mentoring

Effective mentoring requires a keen awareness — a conscious valuing and observation of one’s surroundings. This involves a series of reflective and adaptive practices:

__Retreating to gain perspective and reflect on personal growth.
__Reframing situations to see challenges as opportunities for both the mentor and the mentee.
__Revamping approaches to adopt/adapt to new insights and shifting realities.
__Rescripting personal narratives to align with current values and goals//outcomes.

This process is much like ‘rewilding’ oneself metaphorically — returning to the intrinsic, often untamed qualities that foster genuine growth and connection.

Nature Awareness as Muse and Metaphor in Mentoring

Nature-awareness offers a powerful metaphor for mentoring.

The natural world evolves through cycles and seasons, so too does mentoring as a legacy journey.

Nature’s persistent adeptability (mixing n matching adoptability and adaptability) and enduring presence make it an ideal muse for what we call ‘awareness writing’.

This technique/practice involves observing the external environment — the “without” — and integrating these observations “within” oneself.

This routine//ritual of reflection and expression helps mentors and mentees acknowledge and navigate their own growth paths more effectively and relevantly, AND naturally.

Recording Mentoring as Legacy Insights and Experiences

Documenting the mentoring as legacy journey (while adventuring together) can take many forms, each serving as a creative outlet to

a) improve the worth of something that exists now
b) develop something new for use
c) prove the truth of naw [or not] of something

Extending these points, use these tools/techniques to connect mentoring as legacy & nature-awareness…

Nature-Awareness Writing: This can be poetic, narrative, or analytical writing that expresses parallels between nature’s processes and personal or professional growth

Journaling with Words, Images, and Diagrams: Keeping a journal that combines textual entries with visual elements like sketches or diagrams can enrich the reflective process, making it both delightful (‘wonderful’) and exploratory (‘wanderful’)

Sketching and Doodling: These artistic expressions allow for immediate capturing of thoughts and feelings, offering a spontaneous way to document insights

Photographing and Videoing: Visual media provide dynamic ways to capture and share the beauty and lessons of nature and life experiences, with or without commentary

Creative Processes: Using any form of art to design, develop, and deliver projects or insights aids personal valuing AND shares one’s legacy with the community

Moving Forward

Are you ready to explore how nature can inspire your mentoring as a legacy journey?

Enter your email here to receive updates about our upcoming course: “Use Nature Awareness Writing as Muse and Metaphor to Inform Mentoring as Legacy.” — June 21, 2024 (each Saturday for 13 weeks)

This course will guide you through the elegant synergy of nature, writing, and mentoring, helping you leave a lasting legacy mark for the world, footfalls with the planet.

By deciding to mentor and using nature as your guide, you ensure your legacy continues to encourage and influence, like the timeless cycles of nature itself.

Join us and start writing/rewriting the unfolding chapters of living legacy life today.

Click to access the Nature Awareness Writing Course Update Form
Enter your first name, select what you want from us, add your email, click “I’m not a robot”…
Click Submit — and we’ll return an email with updates…
TU for getting involved!
Cut n paste link: https://wellthmovement.com/nature-awareness-writing-course-alert

Meet Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Your Guide on the Ride!
Your Navigator through the Gates!

I’m an ager — in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024).
I walk as a “Solo-Ager”.

As to Older to Elder, I’m exploring what it means for me.

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. Now, I want to use my “wellth of experiences” and transform them into tools and techniques to encourage youngers-olders-elders in living legacy with mentoring projects, stories, and contributions with clarity, confidence, and commitment without wasting time, effort, and money.

Working through https://WELLthMovement.com
FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

transparency: AI assisted based on detailed prompts with considerable copy editing while adding some AI images



WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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