Evolving the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy


Have you ever wondered how your beliefs shape your legacy an‌d how your legacy reflects your evolving beliefs?

There is a dynamic interplay between belief and legacy. Once known, you have one to shape the other. Because of their complementarity, they create a narrative for living legacy life during your Next Fifty.

This article is in two sections. First, laying out the key concepts suggested in the title. Second, suggesting ways to invigorate your experience of the title through simple activities.

Definitions and Descriptions, with Nature Metaphor

Belief… is a mental attitude or acceptance of something as true or real, often without concrete evidence. It involves having trust, confidence, or faith in a particular concept, idea, or perspective.

Beliefs can encompass a wide range of subjects, including ethical, philosophical, or personal convictions that influence one’s thoughts, actions, and decisions.

Nature Metaphor: Belief can be likened to the roots of a tree. Just as tree roots anchor the tree in the soil, providing stability and nourishment, beliefs anchor our thoughts and actions, shaping our worldview and providing a foundation for our understanding being for the world, with the planet, and from the whole.

Legacy… is about the useful whats (time, effort, and money) you gift others so they can learn something from your lived experience. Often seen as something nanded to or transmitted from the past to future generations.

It often includes the impact, influence, or contributions a person makes during their lifetime, which continue to have significance and value long after they are gone.

Legacy can encompass various aspects of a person’s life, such as their achievements, accomplishments, and the optimistic effects they have on others and their communities.

Nature Metaphor: Legacy can be likened to the seeds of a tree. Just as a tree produces seeds that carry the potential for new growth and continuation of the species, individuals create a legacy that carries the potential for optimistic shift and influence in the lives of others and future generations.

Evolving the Consideration of Belief:

Belief is a powerful force that shapes living our lifes. They impact the meaning assigned to the dash between your birth year and transition year.

In the journey of life, our beliefs evolve, often influenced by our experiences and shifting circumstances. This evolution of belief is a dynamic process, one that invites us to explore the depths of our convictions and embrace new insights. It is through this evolution that we gain an valuing of ourselves and our communities.

Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy:

Legacy is a concept as it is a living, breathing narrative that unfolds with each moment we live our legacy lives. It is an invitation to consider the impact we leave and the imprint we make on the lives of others.

To truly experience the perspective of legacy is to recognize that our beliefs via legacy ripple through time, influencing not only our present but also the future. It is a call to reflect on the kind of legacy we wish to create and the values we want to uphold, knowing that our journey is an integral part of a larger, interconnected narrative.

Embracing the Evolution:

As we navigate the landscape of belief and legacy, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and development. This evolution invites us to question, explore, and refine our convictions, leading to a deeper connection with our sense of purpose and the legacy we leave behind.

Embracing this evolution allows us to approach life with a sense of curiosity and openness, knowing that our beliefs are not fixed but adeptable (adopt/adapt) to the wisdom we gain along the way.

It is through the dynamic interplay of belief and legacy that we find meaning, fulfillment, and a profound connection to the human experience.

Activities for Evolving Belief and Experiencing Legacy

Let’s start with the title of the article:

Evolving the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy

You can rewrite the title as:

_ I believe in Evolving the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy
_ I am Evolving the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legac
_ I choose to Evolve the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy
_ I decide to Evolve the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy
_ I commit to Evolve the Consideration of Belief, Experiencing The Perspective of Legacy

Belief is a feeling of certainty about something, becomes a fact without questioning, becomes true, so we accept it and live it. It creates filters to our experiences that we receive and what we ignore, especially about living legacy life.

I believe statement is within
I am statement is without
From belief, we can discover and shape our legacy through projects, stories, and contributions linked to the beliefs.

I choose statement is between
I decide statement is together
I commit statement is beyond
Where and when me manage and lead our beliefs, they infuse the continuous evolution of our “within, without, between, together, and beyond “ living legacy life decisions.”

Pic above: I Believe statements linked my doctoral studies (curriculum) 1992

A Personal Reflection of the Complementarity of Belief and Legacy

Let’s get you on your way (rather than in your way!)

Visit with your beliefs — review them in whatever form they are in… Consider how your beliefs determine the quality of your experiences
__Record your belief statements
__Record other thoughts and feelings that arrive

/|\ While you may have a long list of belief statements, for this activity, select 3 to 5 of them.
With this shorten list, write/rewrite them in this continuum format:
I believe
I am
I choose
I decide
I commit

Here is an Personal perspective example:

_*_ I believe you live life wholeheartedly

It’s “a statement about living tomorrow today”

Using the continuum format from above, you could write:
I believe — living my life involves a wholehearted approach
I am — living my life wholeheartedly
I choose — to live my life aware of my wholeheartedness
I decide — living is my expression of wholeheartedness
I commit — to shape and share my wholeheartedness from tomorrow today

Having completed this task, remember achievements by self and accomplishments with others occurs gradually over time and we call them experiences.

And, successful people recognize the magic is in what you don’t like to do.

Remember, there is today…

“No success is immediate nor is any failure instantaneous” (traced the sentiment of this phrase to Jeff Olson)

No Success is Immediate: Success usually involves a process of hard work, learning, and perseverance. It rarely happens instantly. People often need to put in effort, make mistakes, and learn from them before they achieve their personal goals and collective outcomes.

Nor is any Failure Instantaneous: Similarly, failure is not something that happens suddenly. It often results from a series of (in)actions or circumstances, and it can be a valuable learning experience on the path to eventual success.

They are both outcomes of the progression (or not) along the “I continuum”

You have your 3 to 5 “I believe statements” you wrote earlier

Also, bring your “I am — I choose — I decide — I-commit” statements here.

If you have not done so — complete the task using the example above!

In consideration of the “I believe — I am — I choose — I decide — I commit” statements… take the identified action.

Based on this guide:

I believe statement — shaping meaning of something for you — within (does it pass you head, heart and hands test; yes, this is what I believe?)

I am statement — sharing the meaning of the belief with the wholverse — without (moving from within to without; you are ready, willing and able to share the statement starting with a soulual/spiritual/wholversical declaration)

I choose statement — share the meaning of the belief with someone you trust — between (sharing the statement with another (or group); you are declaring publically the belief you’ve shared with the wholverse)

I decide statement —communicate the belief in some form that is accessible for others to engage with you because of mutual alignment — together (you make it happen here)

I commit statement — confirm the promise you are making to complete the action-outcome identified as the I commit statement beyond (you support the ripple effect, here to there)

Having completed this task, remember achievements by self and accomplishments with others occurs gradually over time and we call them experiences

And, successful people recognize the magic is in what you don’t like to do!

Not taking these actions, what arrives is one or more of:
ignorance, self-doubt, complacency, procrastination, lack of urgency, not doing the things that must be done, time wasting, analysis paralysis, loss of purpose, lack of support, etc.

Taking this action, you
Clarify from consistency
Contribute from confidence
Communicate from commitment
Collaborate from community
Co-Create from Capacity

When you encounter an uncompleted action
(you did not attain the outcome), consider:

1) Ask the action, why are you not completed?
__Record all thoughts and feelings, images and shapes
2) Ask yourself, Why am I not completing this action?
__Record all thoughts and feelings, images and shapes

3) Ask the action, identify the completions for the action-outcome?
__Record the list, ensure each statement is more than 3 words and less than 9 words
__Do not use “and, but, because” in the statement (if you do, you may have two statements)

4) Ask yourself, what has helped in completing the actions in #3?
__Record what comes to your head, heart, and hands

Next, use the Five Whys technique:

5) Ask yourself why am I not taking the action?
__Keep asking — at least five times — until you unearth the limiting belief

6) Consider this limiting belief
__Ask yourself, How does this limiting belief serve you?
__Record the hinder statements and help statements
__Review the statements — is there a pattern?
__Record your thoughts and feelings

7) Rewrite the limiting belief as a corresponding affirming belief
__Ask yourself, How does this affirming belief serve you?
__Record the hinder statements and help statements
__Review the statements — is there a pattern?
__Record your thoughts and feelings

8) Write a story about the affirming belief (cognizant of the limiting interpretation) from a future perspective.
At the end, write your (or revised) I believe statement.
__Read it out loud to make it real for you (and you can share the story with others if that helps)

9) Go for a walk with nature and have a conversation about your (or revised) I believe statement
__Record your thoughts and feelings
__Edit (add, alter, delete) the I believe statement

10) Write this “I believe statement” using the continuum outlined above.
Go to: “*_ Start with your I believe statements”

Continue, Stop, and Start as required…

With this 10-step process (as is, or with your edits–add, alter-delete) apply it to living your legacy life. About shaping and sharing the legacy you intend to live, to leave.

Apply this process — as outlined above — to the Legacy Dashboard:

Values — as morals to your skin; as ethics beyond your skin
Challenges — Obstacles to overcome; Advantages to continue
Project(s) — Focused endeavor with assigned action-outcomes
Stories — Narratives vitalizing involvement and evolvement
Contributions — Impactful gifts benefiting others

Yes, write “I believe statements” for each dashboard component…
And continue! Return to: “*_ Start with your I believe statements”

Review what you written.
Use these statements to discover-shape-share your living legacy life!

Additional tools and techniques, reminders:

A]] With any “I believe-am-choose-decide-commit statement”, when you want to take it for a walk, ask:What is faulty? What is working?
What is flawed? What is correct?
What is fuzzy? What is clear?
What is fragmented? What is integrated?
What is forlorn? What is delighted?
Doing so, gives you an opportunity to challenge your bias…

B]] With any “I believe-am-choose-decide-commit statement”, ask:
What am I pretending not to notice? ((blind spots
What is the impact of my blind spots?
What negative behaviors are associated with my blind spots?
How has this blind spot served me?
With these insights, adjust — correct — pivot…

C]] With any “I believe-am-choose-decide-commit statement”, ask:
How can I see more clearly?
How can I think more creativity?
How can I plan more effectively?
Add other corresponding questions to check — assess — review movement…

D]] With any “I believe-am-choose-decide-commit statement,”
The quality of your decisions highlights the quality of your life
The decisions of yesterday give you today
The decisions of today give you tomorrow
The decisions from tomorrow give you today
What questions do you have knowing the answers guide your way forward?|| The questions you ask are the issues at hand
|| These issues are the problems to be solved & the appreciations to be extended
|| Your answers are the initiatives for action

Moving Forward

With this exploration into the interconnected realms of belief and legacy, we’re left with an appreciation for the structural relationship and relational structure between the two.

Delving into beliefs unveils a blueprint for legacy. Crafting legacy influences and refines our beliefs. It’s a cyclical journey of self-discovery and purposeful action.

Each step, each stride forward improves, focuses, and strengthens the narrative of living legacy life informed by affirming beliefs in your Next Fifty.

The insights outlined here guide you forward, encouraging a journey of shaping your beliefs to sculpt a legacy that resonates with authenticity and significance, ensuring that your stories and contributions leave a lasting imprint for the world, with the planet, and from the whole.

Meet Stephen Hobbs

Your Guide on the Ride!

I’m an ager — in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024).
I walk as a “Solo-Ager”.

As to Older to Elder, I’m exploring what it means for me.

I work with wholistic, reciprocal education approaches — especially mentoring.

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. I wanted to harness my “wellth of experiences” and transform them into powerful tools and techniques as I mentor personal growth adventures and the organization of legacy projects. Along the way, I encourage clients to complete their projects with clarity, confidence, and commitment.

During the development and delivery of the different projects and programs, I’ve seen the “applicability required” for evolving “living legacy life” projects and programs.

Learning to navigate the shifting landscapes of projects–no matter the size, location, and type–is a way I remain relevant & current with my three projects and support others in moving their projects forward without wasting time, effort, and money.

Working through https://WELLthMovement.com
FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

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WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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