7 Suggestions to Excite Grandparents Involvement in an Extraordinary Community
Here is the 4th article in the series about the Well-Living Community for Grandparents…
The article is an invitation to get involved in the community. 37 questions grandparents ask before and during their involvement are listed. And, 7 suggestions about getting started with the community are identified.
The Well-Living Community for Grandparents — in general — is supported by three programs — of which the Extraordinary Grandparenting with Nature Program is highlighted here.
Invitation _ You are a Grandparent!
If you are asking the question “How do I get started with my involvement with the natural world with my grandchildren?”, I invite you to the Well-Living Community for Grandparents — Extraordinary Grandparenting with Nature Program — where extraordinary experiences await you and your grandchildren.
This invitation is to an Adventure, one with meaning, and one that will require your commitment to development and growth. More so, one where your grandchildren will become eco-creators and your educator. A juicy Adventure I do believe. Agree?
I’m asking you to enroll in the Well-Living Community for Grandparents — an extraordinary community for grandparents, grandchildren, and the trees they love to know and nurture. When you decide to join, you enliven your dreams as you explore ways of better living.
In return, you’ll discover your resilience and contribution, where your dreams are enacted and your leader arises. Where you excite your grandkids’ curiosity of nature with trees as the life educator. More so, you inspirit your grandchildren’s creative expression, their consciousness of being planetary, and your connections through shared extraordinary experiences.
Through your collaborative conversations with other grandparents (and grandchildren), you’ll access written, audio, video, art resources, and more. Based on your time, effort, and money — you can access resources that support and realize your participation, your contribution, your dreams in your words, on your terms. And, you can contribute your resources as well.
Questions _ Grandparents Are Asking
With your involvement in Co-Creating the Well-Living Community for Grandparents — especially the Extraordinary Grandparenting with Nature Program, earlier Adventurers have asked many and varied questions.
Answers to these questions and more seed and sustain the forest trails within the Community with fellow Adventures.
Here are 37 questions — knowing they help frame initial programming for you, with you, because of you. And, in some cases with you as the educator answering the questions!
- Where do I start?
- What are the biggest mistakes grandparents make when involving their grandchildren with nature?
- How do I start?
- What will my involvement in the Well-Living Community do for me in my next 50?
- How does my involvement in the Community benefit my grandkids and me?
- Why would I want to get involved with nature (at my age)?
- What are the correct and incorrect ways for me to learn about nature?
- What if I’m not tech-savvy?
- What are the measures of success for me? For my grandchildren?
- What happens if I look foolish when I fall on my face?
- Why am I promoting the grandkids-with-nature approach?
- How do I get recognized for my giving?
- How can I do something memorable without having to stumble along the way?
- Who do I talk to to make it happen?
- Is it possible to live an extraordinary life without a nature connection?
- How can I travel and play at the same time?
- How can I weave spirituality into my interactions with my grandchildren and nature?
- How do you reduce my financial concerns through your program?
- How do you reduce my health concerns through your program?
- How do you care about me from the start to sustaining my community involvement?
- What does it take to become an Eco-Creator?
- As time goes by, my mind will deteriorate — why should I start?
- How can I feel better about myself?
- How can I become competent at grandparenting?
- How can I become competent at serving as a Mentor or Celebrant or Weaver?
- Is it possible to set up a business with my community involvement?
- How do I give back to this community? to my family and friends?
- What is my legacy?
- Can you ensure me how you’re describing/explaining this program is not complicated?
- What if I’m not smart enough to get involved?
- What does it take to have a fulfilling life during my next 50 with the grandchildren?
- Can I use mentoring as a business strategy in my next 50?
- How can I create a small business while involved with this community?
- What can I do to get my confidence back?
- Who says I’m an Eco-Creator?
- Who says I’m a Mentor?
- What is my evolvement because of my nature involvement?
Suggestions to Excite Your Involvement
As a starting point for your involvement with the Community & Program, and as a way to answer the questions listed above, consider the following 7 suggestions to encourage your involvement with your grandkids (and family and friends).
1)) Set up awareness cues
- determine how to be
- decide how to feel
- determine how to show up in a situation
- decide how to perceive the situation
- determine how to reflect on the situation
- decide how to act in the situation
2)) Set up energy triggers
- inspirit build/grow approaches
- booster your energy in each situation
- ask quality questions
- establish a trigger-reminder when entering the situation
- nurture your well-being — personal maintenance
3)) Set up legacy framing
- write your legacy story
- ask community members about their legacy story
- ask your grandchildren what they would like to know about your lived experience
- dialogue with your children about sharing your legacy story with the grandkids
- discuss for friends and family the ways you’ll share your legacy with the grandkids
4)) Set up a concern-to-joy balance
- recognize concerns as problems will arise
- recognize joy as appreciation is available
- dive deep into comprehending the concerns and joy factors
- finish with a joy burst
- impact and reduce the hinder (concern) experiences
- maintain and convert the help (joy) experiences
5)) Set up benefit extensions
- identify the benefits of your involvement with the community
- identify the benefits of your grandkids involvement with the community
- identify the benefits of your grandkids involvement with you and nature
- establish social connections based on extending the benefits you experience
- level-up the significance of the community (its necessity) for all members
6)) Set up a release approach
- know when to close your involvement with an activity
- know when to close your involvement with other members
- make sure to leave the end of the relationship with appreciation and gratitude
7)) Set up a natural educating approach
- learn about your natural educating approach
- make things better as you make better things
- share significance, urgency, and growth
- share creative expression, variety, and certainty
In Summary
With your involvement with the Well-Living Community for Grandparents — the Extraordinary Grandparenting with Nature Program, you access a source of inspiration and substance from within, without, between, together, and beyond.
When sharing with others and learning from them, you establish caring and gain competence. In addition, you start meaningful connections and leverage experienced certainty that resonates with the core of your being — the same resonance you hope for your grandkids.
The invitation extended within this article is a way to answer the questions you have about grandparenting using a nature-based approach. Further, you have viable suggestions you can implement — if only, to touch your toes in the waters of the planet with the grandkids.
With these articles, we outline — discuss — share concepts and practices we are following to MAKE IT SO! Our intention is to work with Grandparents — Grandchildren — and Nature. Therefore, these pages are editable! Because it’s easier for most to edit than to write!
So What? What Else? Now What?
In the weeks and months to follow, I/you/we can help grandparents who step forward to improve, focus, and strengthen the co-creation of the Well-Living Community — a community platform of programs and projects, and processes and products grandparents (and grandchildren) can access to support grandparenting with involvement in the natural world.
If you can’t wait, then use our Website Contact Form to ask questions — share comments — sign up for updates about the WELL-Living Community for Grandparents.
Contact Coordinates:
https://wellthmovement.com/contact — join the list, ask a question