7 Essentials of the Well-Living Community — Involving and Evolving Grandparents


Here is the 2nd article in the series about the Well-Living Community and Grandparents… Suggest you read this article first!

The Well-Living Community — in general — is supported by these seven tenets. As presented, they are nested in one another.

1)) The Well-Living Community — Involving & Evolving Grandparents underpins a well-conceived thinking process.

That is, the community has available the concepts and practices for the determination and communication of the appropriate tools and techniques required

  • to guide the members’ organization of their involvement in the short-term and
  • to support the long-range implications of the members’ decisions about the organization of their evolvement

Therefore, the community recognizes the culture in which it functions.

It makes clear distinctions between the external environment and the internal situation.

It acknowledges that the internal forces at work in the community are different from those in the environment. And yet, those forces interact and affect one another.

In addition, the community provides appropriate Maps, Blueprints, Landscapes, etc. for thinking and feeling through

  1. the decision indicators of strategy (why), structure (how), relationship (who), communication (where & when), and resource allocation (what), and
  2. the implications of the decisions made about and from the five decision indicators in the combinations of day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month use

2)) The Well-Living Community — Evolving Involving & Grandparents integrates to fit naturally and logically together

That is, the community uses a flexible SYSTEMS approach for the nature of inquiry in which a series of questions are asked. Having answered one question, the next one follows naturally. This approach appreciates the different learning styles of the members (e.g., linear, intuitive, kinesthetic, and holistic thinkers) and therefore encourages members to contribute their best effort.

A sequence of activities, the most important being dialogue (and multi-logue), leads to producing desired group accomplishments and personal achievements.

In fact, members can begin at any place in the community to write their stories, make their maps and plans, and share their lived experiences.

They can interact and experience their use of action-reflection to build and grow their involvement, contribution, commitment, celebration, and evolvement in their words on their terms.

3)) The Well-Living Community —Involving & Evolving Grandparents moves with clear action-based outcomes, identified at each point in the system.

That is, the community remains alert to the integrative areas of the organization of work (using time, effort, money) so as to remain versatile and applicable.

In pursuit of organizational responses to change, the responses have (all of) the inspired standards and wise practices in place that provide a complete and interlocking picture based on workability, dependability, and generalizability — the hallmarks of the community.

It is not necessary to have all of the action outcomes in place at the same time for the community and its components to form and function. However, for the community to move forward, to be workable, the wise use of time, effort, and money is essential for the involvement and evolvement of the members.

In this way, the community and its members consistently manage, measure, and monitor its current reality. The community can improve, focus, and strengthen its productivity by clarifying its Mission, Visions, and Values. Similarly, the members can improve, focus, and strengthen their performance by clarifying their Purpose, Vision, and Literacy.

It’s when and where the individual vision and community visions are woven together the heart feels, the head thinks, and the hands' action.

Within this mix, others may use this current reality to explore and discover the feasibility and suggestions of alternative strategies. Their contributions are welcome for course correction and pivots.

4)) The Well-Living Community — Involving & Evolving Grandparents recognizes ongoing transition is a reality in the lives of members, their groupings, and the whole community.

That is, the community collects data (e.g., ideas, insights, interpretations) for information development to facilitate the transition. The extent of transition, whether by chance or design, in all ways is actionable through the behavior evoked and the consequences measured.

In pursuit of a transitional response to change, all members have access to the concepts and practices to decide the pathway forward. The ensuing decisions, actions, and outcomes have meaningful pattern recognition for each person that encourages members to involve themselves between and together, and rescript evolvement personally and collectively beyond their current reality.

This transition is like interlocking movie frames displaying patience, flexibility, and discretion — the hallmarks of members moving from creatures of habit with expectations to lines of least resistance to eco-creators of complementarity with a commitment to waves of eco-ethical contribution

It is worth mentioning the need to develop maps and plans.

A map is a way of drawing a representation of something. It is emergent, dynamic, open, organic in Design. Through it, the Strategic narrative unfolds like the discoveries of explorers of yesteryear and today. When members have a map they have a representation of the territory and through consistent critical reflection that map becomes more detailed. Of importance is knowing that the map is not the territory, merely a representation.

A plan is a way of tactically thinking something through beforehand and during delivery. It is convergent, technical, porous, mechanical in Design. A plan provides a rational, methodical presentation in which a considerable amount of ideas, insights, and interpretations are infolded. Through a plan, you structure relationships that are difficult at the best of times. Of importance is knowing that the plan unfolding from a map is more useful and helpful.

A thought — there is a connected difference between explorers and treasure hunters, being pirates or the navy (Steve Jobs speaking at a staff meeting while enthusing his staff in the new Design approaches Apple was unfolding)

5)) The Well-Living Community — Involving & Evolving Grandparents is easily communicated, understood, and applied.

That is, the community will find the wise practices and inspired standards simple and straightforward. The framework and approaches and the diagrams and text ask the kind of questions that are appropriate to strategic mapping and tactical planning.

When people engage with the community, they find phases of the process familiar and often remark they “do some of these kinds of things in their day-to-day activities anyway.” Also, they like the way the mapping — planning is easily translated into action with visible results.

As a starting point for establishing the community platform and member involvement, these five action-outcome statements (wise practices-inspired standards) are coordinate features of the map and nested steps of the plan:

Clarify from consistency
Contribute from confidence
Communicate from commitment
Collaborate from community
Co-create from capacity

Of importance is knowing that the 5 action outcomes are suggestions you can use to rescript your legacy involvement with the community. Also, they are touchstones the community can use in its dialogue and multi-logue on an ongoing basis.

6)) The Well-Living Community — Involving & Evolving Grandparents is generic in nature and can therefore be adapted/adopted or incorporated into existing maps/plans and decision action outcomes.

That is, the community and members’ experiences are unique when shared. The community results in transitioning the nature of the members' involvement and evolvement as it does in transitioning the nature of the community through building and growing itself.

At a grassroots level, the community is expanding, extending, and educating its members between, together, and beyond the day-to-day to encourage tomorrow today!

Therefore, caring is required in making the community compatible with other existing approaches to Community Development, and Organizational Strategic Mapping and Tactical Planning. Therefore, considerable research and reflective results are required to design-develop-deliver-determine the well-living community value ecosystem approach that matters to its members, the community as a whole, and the environment in which the community participates.

At its core, the community is about the “increasement of profitability and improvement of movement.” And yet, for members “being, having, and doing” individually and collectively in the mix and match of the external environment and the internal situation does the community need to celebrate its Directions, Arrangements, and Connections with other communities and the planet.

7)) The Well-Living Community — Involving & Evolving Grandparents maps, manages, measures, monitors, and monetizes for all including the generations of persons forthcoming.

With this overview of the community and the actions it suggests, there are nagging questions such as:

  1. What specific socio-cultural factors does the community require to merge and implement its organization of time, effort, and money allocation
  2. What is the true return on learning, return on educating, and return on their integration when and where someone is involved with the community? and for the community as a whole?
  3. What are the socio-cultural conversations which hinder and help the implementation of the community systems and processes?
  4. What can be done to impact and reduce the Hinder elements of the conversations in the organization of work — of the community?
  5. what can be done to strengthen and convert the Help elements of the conversations in the organization of work — of the community?

The community — YOU— must answer these questions and more by working together and with decision influencers and community eco-creators to access accurate feed-forward and feed fromward about the background and foreground conversations, which are in all ways present.

Where and when the community — you — its members — all of its stakeholders use transition in response to change, then it’s imperative that you have the ways and means to measure and evaluate all the transitions whether transactional, transformational, and or transcendent in nature.

More so, does the transition build and grow the community for the betterment of all and everything?

Herein, through which, and/or because of, it’s important to understand the STORY of STEPS that you take every day.

And that is where Article #3 continues the series.

With these articles, we outline — discuss — share concepts and practices we are following to MAKE IT SO! Our intention is to work with Grandparents — Grandchildren — and Nature. Therefore, these pages are editable! Because it’s easier for most to edit than to write!

So What? What Else? Now What?

In the weeks and months to follow, I/you/we can help grandparents who step forward to improve, focus, and strengthen the co-creation of the Well-Living Community — a community platform of programs and projects, and processes and products grandparents (and grandchildren) can access to support grandparenting with involvement in the natural world.

If you can’t wait, then use our Website Contact Form to ask questions — share comments — sign up for updates about the WELL-Living Community for Grandparents.

Contact Coordinates:
https://wellthmovement.com/contact — join the list, ask a question



WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"
WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Written by WELLth Movement - "Mentoring as Legacy"

Guide professionals & paraprofessionals — 55+ years young — to mentor as a way to shape/share the legacy they intend to live, to leave. Older to Elder Mentor!

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