(10 MISTAKES) When Crafting Your Living Legacy Life Approach During Midlife:
Includes Suggested Actions to Counter Each Mistake
Living Legacy Life is a wholistic, reciprocal approach to being fully human, being natural, and being planetary.
It transcends mere survival, emphasizing purposeful living and intentional impact. It involves crafting a meaningful narrative, aligning actions with values, and contributing to the well-being of oneself and the well-living of community.
This concept urges individuals, in midlife, to transition from being ‘olders’ to ‘elders,’ leveraging experiences for intergenerational collaboration. Living Legacy Life encompasses resilience, reciprocity, relevance, resourcence (i.e., resourcefulness), and reliability.
It invites decisions from intentional options, fostering a legacy that extends beyond material possessions — a legacy of wisdom, kindness, and optimism to shape being for the world and with the planet for generations to come.
Moving In:
Navigating midlife while crafting a living legacy life approach is a profound journey filled with awareness (attention and intention). However, certain common mistakes can hinder the authenticity, outcomes, and impact of this transformative process.
Here are ten mistakes to avoid; ten suggestions to counter the mistakes:
1. Neglecting Self-Reflection:
Mistake: Overlooking introspection and self-reflection result in a superficial or misaligned living legacy life approach.
Suggestion: Prioritize self-reflection by exploring values, aspirations, beliefs, and experiences to align your living legacy life approach authentically with your unique journey.
2. Avoiding Authenticity:
Mistake: Failing to embrace authenticity can lead to a living legacy life approach that feels disconnected or inauthentic.
Suggestion: Embrace vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity by honoring your genuine thoughts, feelings, and aspirations throughout the developing and delivering process.
3. Neglecting Future Generations:
Mistake: Overlooking the impact on future generations while living legacy life approach that lacks longevity or relevance.
Suggestion: Consider the lasting impact, values, and contributions you wish to leave for future generations within your approach.
4. Overcomplicating the Process:
Mistake: Overcomplicating the crafting process with excessive complexity, expectations, or constraints can hinder progress and clarity.
Suggestion: Simplify your approach by focusing on essential values, aspirations, and contributions to create a meaningful and manageable map/plan with accountability/responsibility assignments.
5. Ignoring Collaboration and Connection:
Mistake: Neglecting collaboration, connection, and community engagement can limit the depth, impact, and reach of your approach.
Suggestion: Foster collaborative conversations and use relational structures to enrich your legacy journey and create a broader impact within your community and beyond.
6. Avoiding Adaptability:
Mistake: Resisting adeptability (adopt/adapt mix), flexibility, and growth results in a rigid or stagnant living legacy life approach.
Suggestion: Embrace shift, learning opportunities, and evolving psycho-social contexts throughout your journey.
7. Neglecting Well-Being and Well-Living:
Mistake: Overlooking well-being (self-care), well-living (community kindness), and wholistic health can undermine your ability to navigate midlife and craft a fulfilling living legacy life approach.
Suggestion: Prioritize wholistic well-being and well-living by integrating physical, emotional/mental, soulual, and spiritual wellness practices into your approach.
8. Avoiding Financial Planning:
Mistake: Overlooking financial planning, sustainability, and stewardship can undermine your ability to support, sustain, and actualize your living legacy life approach.
Suggestion: Prioritize sustainability and stewardship by aligning your resources, investments, and decisions with your legacy values, projects, stories, and contributions.
9. Neglecting Feed-Forward and Reflection:
Mistake: Failing to seek feed-forward, reflect on experiences, and adjust your living legacy life approach can hinder growth, alignment, and impact.
Suggestion: Seek feed-forward, reflect on experiences, and adjust your approach — regularly — to align with evolving insights, aspirations, and inquiries.
10. Discounting Walking with Nature:
Mistake: Minimizing the contributions of nature as self-care companion, living systems educator, and metaphorical muse lessens insights and interpretations witnessed in nature that can inform the living legacy life approach.
Suggestion: Walk with nature, witness what’s happening through your multi-senses, and reframe the learning in your words to add your ideas to your approach.
Moving Forward:
Dealing with these ten common mistakes with the 10 suggestions — when crafting your living legacy life approach during midlife — can enhance authenticity, alignment, impact, and sustainability.
By prioritizing self-reflection, authenticity, future generations, simplicity, collaboration, adeptability, well-being//well-living, financial planning, feed-forward, and nature awareness you can navigate midlife with confidence, intentionality, purpose, and commitment, projecting a meaningful and transformative living legacy life approach that resonates with your unique journey and contributions.
Meet Stephen Hobbs
Your Guide on the Ride!
I’m an ager — in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024). I walk as a “Solo-Ager”.
As to Older to Elder, I’m exploring what it means for me.
I work with wholistic, reciprocal education approaches — especially mentoring.
Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. I wanted to harness my “wellth of experiences” and transform them into powerful tools and techniques as I mentor personal growth adventures and the organization of work.
During the development and delivery of the different activities, I’ve seen the “applicability required” for evolving “living legacy life” projects and programs of different sizes. Learning to navigate the shifting landscapes of others’ (and my) projects is a way I remain relevant & current in moving the experiences of older to elder for all!
Working through https://WELLthMovement.com
FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.